Here is an opportunity for a paid job with Coca-Cola for the 2021-2022 school year. I'd love for you to share the opportunity with your students so that they may apply to be a part of this amazing program. For more information on the program, please visit this link.
About The Job:
This is a year long job that starts with virtual training. Students will meet over 100 other students alike from around the country. Job tasks include posting social content and representing the brand on campus virtually.
Program Alumni:
Several of our students landed full-time jobs with Coca-Cola upon graduation and you can hear their stories here.
Why did you get this email?
So why did we email you instead of going direct to career services? We've heard this quite a bit. While we're submitting roles to career services, you will likely know of a student who will benefit from this opportunity. We'd like you to give them an advantage.
Who is Campus Commandos?
Why did Campus Commandos email you and not Coca-Cola? Our responsibility is to recruit the absolute best college students for this job on behalf of Coca-Cola. For more information on who we are, please visit this link or feel free to email me. I am happy to answer your questions.